Please fill out the following medical information and submit this form along with your staff application. If you have any questions, please contact Aaron Harbidge at or by phone at 587-321-0066.
Thanks so much!Aaron HarbidgeJ2K Ministries Director
Contact Information:
Medical Information:
Special Dietary Requests:
Medications: Our First Aid department generally stocks basic over-the-counter medications. We will carry a current Epi-pen, but staff with Epi-pen prescriptions should bring their own. *Any medications you bring must be in the original container. Prescriptions may only be used by the person for whom they are prescribed.
Other Conditions:
Waiver and Signature: If under 19 years old, then the Parent/Guardian must read and sign the following: I recognize that camp activities involve a degree of spontaneity and risk, and that accidents may occur. I am aware of the types of activities at the camp my child is attending, and I accept the risks of possible injury. Should injury require emergency treatment, which would be delayed by efforts to contact me, I hereby grant permission to the Camp Director or First Aid Attendant to authorize medical treatment and inform me as soon as possible.